Companies around the world are digitally transforming as they are challenged to improve business processes in the pursuit of new revenue streams and business models. Data and information are increasingly becoming important assets, which enable new sources of revenue and potential areas of growth. In order to benefit from advances in technology, companies need to be ready to quickly adapt, become more agile, and increase the role of all forms of data and information.
Digital transformation is a holistic process which requires technological integration and collaboration. Through identifying new areas for growth, as well as potential barriers, a digital transformation strategy builds bridges between the current state of the business and the desired long-term goals.
Building bridges between business and information
In today’s complex world, a straightforward path does not exist for a company who wishes to digitally transform. However, it is important for an organization to have a clear set of objectives and business goals in mind. Through the integration of information and data throughout the company, it is much easier for an organization to identify why they need to transform, what they need to transform, and how they can transform.
In order to successfully navigate digital transformation, while protecting against digital disruption, companies must be able to easily communicate information on a large scale. Disconnects between IT and the business can cause digital transformations to lag behind and ultimately fail. Therefore, information bridges must be built between back end and front office, content and processes, human and machine as well as machine to machine (the Internet of Things). It is crucial to integrate information with the worker in mind as developing digital capabilities within the workforce is a key indicator of success.
Cultivating Actionable Information
Information today is universal and especially important to companies in the midst of a digital transformation. Data and statistics, as well as their sources, are continually expanding. Many companies are faced with the challenge of turning this information into meaningful intelligence, which can be strategized and profitable. Through managing actionable information, organizations are able to create and explore new business opportunities.
In order to achieve such flexibility, data must be managed using a holistic and integrated approach. Multiple steps and integrations are required to successfully digitize paper-based information, enhance digital processes, and more efficiently serve customers. Achieving a system which manages information efficiently, while customized to the specific goals of the organization and their customers, is at the center of any digital transformation strategy. It requires data content analytics as well as artificial intelligence to create actionable information.
Creating New Ecosystems
Through bridging existing ecosystems and systems of value, a strong digital transformation strategy will create innovative networks where data and actionable information allow for future growth and new business models. This is made possible through technological advances which revolves around data, actionable information, and connectivity. This dimension will continue to expand as there becomes greater technological interconnection and increased actionable information opportunities.
It is also of importance to bridge existing technologies with the potential and capabilities of ‘emerging’ technologies. Newer technologies such as the cloud, big data analytics, and the Internet of Things all have their roots in older technologies. Through the innovative application of emerging technologies to the traditional parts of their business, a company can create real value in a longer-term digital transformation strategy. Through bridging new and old technologies, organizations will be able to be at the cutting edge of industry innovation.
At the core of a successful digital transformation strategy is the ability to link the current status of an organization with its future goals. Through thoroughly understanding the components and technologies involved, an organization will be able to identify new areas which can be connected together. This will allow for improved capacity for innovation, optimization, and adaptiveness, which is designed for long term growth.
A&A limited provides cutting edge digital strategies which achieve our clients business goals through aligning the expectations of business and digital experts. Through our digital integration process, all of the departments and sectors within our client’s company become unified and centralized, giving transparency and streamlines most, if not all, business processes. If interested in contracting our services please contact